Dissolving hydrophobic additives into oil-用于静滴蒸汽扩散或油下微量

Dissolving hydrophobic additives into oil-用于静滴蒸汽扩散或油下微量

Try dissolving the small molecule additive into paraffin or silicon oil, and use this mixture to cover the sample drop. This can be used with sitting drop vapor diffusion or with microbatch under oil. The oil acts as a reservoir that may contain excess small molecule that (you hope) will be fed into the crystals.

尝试将小分子添加剂溶解在石蜡或硅油中,然后用这种混合物覆盖样品液滴。 这可用于静滴蒸汽扩散或油下微量。 油充当储存器,可能含有过量的小分子(您希望)将被送入晶体中。