PEGs for cryo 用于冷冻的 PEG(聚乙二醇)

PEGs for cryo 用于冷冻的 PEG(聚乙二醇)

High molecular PEGS are also good cryoprotectants. If crystals are obtained from relatively high concentration of PEGS (e.g., 30% of PEG 3350), you can cryoprotect them simply by raising the concentration of the PEG a little bit (e.g., 40% of PEG 3350).

高分子PEGS也是很好的冷冻保护剂。 如果晶体是从相对高浓度的 PEGS(例如 30% 的 PEG 3350)中获得的,您可以通过稍微提高 PEG 的浓度(例如 40% 的 PEG 3350)来冷冻保护它们。


J. Appl. Cryst. (2006). 39, 244-251
Effects of cryoprotectant concentration and cooling rate on vitrification of aqueous solutions. V. Berejnov, N. S. Husseini, O. A. Alsaied and R. E. Thorne
Synopsis: Critical concentrations required for vitrification of aqueous solutions are determined for fourteen common cryoprotectants, for sample volumes ranging over four orders of magnitude and covering the range of interest in protein crystallography.