Hampton HR3-508 Dow Corning 7 Release Compound Grease

Hampton HR3-508 Dow Corning 7 Release Compound Grease


  • Grease sealant for hanging, sitting, and sandwich drop vapor diffusion set ups.



The Dow Corning® 7 Release Compound Grease sealant is similar to vacuum grease but is less viscous. Being less viscous, it is easier to push through a syringe when applying the sealant manually. Squeeze the grease into a 10 cc syringe fitted with a 200 µl pipet tip trimmed to desired diameter and you are ready to grease.

道康宁® 7 离型复合润滑脂密封剂类似于真空润滑脂,但粘性较低。 由于粘性较小,手动涂抹密封剂时更容易推动注射器。 将润滑脂挤入装有 200 µl 移液管尖端的 10 cc 注射器中,并修剪到所需的直径,您就可以润滑了。

HR3-508 Dow Corning 7 Release Compound Grease 150 g tube